
Showing 41-50 of 93 titles.
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By Francine Cunningham
Categories: Poetry, BIPOC

Francine Cunningham lives with constant reminders that she doesn't fit the desired expectations of the world: she is a white-passing, city-raised Indigenous woman with mental illness who has lost her ...

Winter's Cold Girls

By Lisa Baird
Categories: Poetry, LGBTQ+

In her debut collection of poetry, Lisa Baird explores themes of trauma and recovery, everyday violence and queerness from a personal point of view as well as a wider political scope. These poems bear ...

Odes & Laments

By Fiona Tinwei Lam
Categories: Poetry, BIPOC

Through poems that celebrate the overlooked beauty in the everyday or that mourn human incursions upon the natural world, Fiona Tinwei Lam weaves polythematic threads into a shimmering tapestry that reveals ...

Chenille or Silk

By Emma McKenna
Categories: Poetry, LGBTQ+

Chenille or Silk is a startling first collection of confessional poetry examining the slippery relations of desire, class, embodiment and trauma. Emma McKenna's writing traverses the bounds and the wounds ...

The Brightest Thing

By Ruth Daniell
Categories: Poetry, Feminism

In her first full-length collection, award-winning poet Ruth Daniell offers work that is both earnest and hopeful, even in the face of trauma. In formally exquisite and lyrical poems, The Brightest Thing ...

How She Read

By Chantal Gibson
Categories: Poetry, BIPOC

How She Read is a collection of genre-blurring poems about the representation of Black women, their hearts, minds and bodies, across the Canadian cultural imagination.

Drawing from grade-school vocabulary ...

Paradise, Later Years

By Marion Quednau
Categories: Poetry

Marion Quednau's collection Paradise, Later Years plays with the language of juxtaposition, nothing is straight on; if there's quiet beauty by the sea, there's a passing warship. Quednau's lyricism, whether ...

The Small Way

By Onjana Yawnghwe
Categories: Poetry, LGBTQ+

What strange gravity draws two people together? What pulls them apart? In The Small Way a woman re-evaluates herself and her marriage as she comes to terms with a spouse's transition. Intimate and powerful, ...

Playing into Silence

By Tina Biello
Categories: Poetry

Growing up during the 50s and 60s in small town Alberta, Pam was keenly aware, by the age of nine, that she was a lesbian. And she also knew well to hide this about herself. Pam would search for books ...


By Kate Braid
Categories: Poetry

Usually, we take for granted or plain ignore the Earth we walk on, the Sky above, the Water we drink and bathe in or that falls as rain, the Fire we assume for heat, and the Wood that makes up our landscape ...