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Janet Romain

Janet Romain is Metis Canadian. She was born in Vancouver, BC but has lived most of her life in Northern BC. She worked in a variety of jobs from short-order cook to lumber grader, but eventually bought ...

Heidi Greco

Heidi Greco is a longtime resident of Surrey, BC. In addition to writing and editing, she often leads workshops - on topics that range from ekphrastic poetry to chapbook making. She's been an advocate ...

John Grain

John Grain has been an avid outdoorsman since growing up on Saltspring Island in the 1960s. He has been a BC public school teacher since 1976 and is active with the BC Teachers Federation and the BC College ...

Marusya Bociurkiw

Marusya Bociurkiw is an author, filmmaker and professor. She has been producing films and videos in Canada for the past twenty-five years and those works have screened at film festivals and in cinemas ...

David Thompson

David Thompson is a general building contractor who has lived in the Yukon Territory since 1962. His love for the land and its people has inspired him to write short stories describing life in the Yukon. ...

Vivien Lougheed

Born in Winnipeg in 1943, Vivien Lougheed was raised by her Polish grandparents who instilled within her a desire for adventure. From her home base of Prince George she has travelled extensively throughout ...

Bruce Strachan

Bruce Strachan is well-known on the northern BC scene. He has been, in his own words, "a bar-room piano player, a tire salesman, an education administrator and a provincial politician." In his most recent ...