
Showing 31-40 of 93 titles.
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By Chantal Gibson
Categories: Poetry, BIPOC

with/holding is a collection of genre-blurring poems that examines the representation and reproduction of Blackness across communication media and popular culture. Together, text and image call up a nightmarish ...

Breath, Like Water

By Norah Bowman
Categories: Poetry, Environment

"Look, I come from a line of angry women. / I am not in love with mountains, or rivers, or poetry. / I am in love with Mountain."

In Breath, Like Water: An Anticolonial Romance the narrator, a settler-colonial ...

Essential Tremor

By Barbara Nickel
Categories: Poetry

Taking the name of a nervous system disorder that causes involuntary shaking, Essential Tremor undertakes an exploration of the body that holds disruption at its heart. The captivating and timely poems ...

Atlas of Roots

By Beth Kope
Categories: Poetry

Within us all are questions of identity, belonging, and connection. Beth Kope's third poetry collection, Atlas of Roots, is a work of the heart that uncovers the many facets of adoption. In poems that ...

Run Riot

By Ash Winters
Categories: Poetry, LGBTQ+

"This is a weird place to wake up / For someone who has woken up in some pretty strange places before." Run Riot is a collection of ninety poems, one written each day during Ash Winters' ninety day stay ...

The Burden of Gravity

By Shannon McConnell
Categories: Poetry

In her debut poetry collection, Shannon McConnell explores the fraught history of New Westminster's Woodlands School, a former "lunatic asylum" opened in 1878 which later became a custodial training school ...

The Hammer of Witches

Spanning centuries, The Hammer of Witches reaches from present-day urban dystopias and the unlikely enchantments that they harbour, to medieval Norway, where the first Christian king waged war on the country's ...

Sweet Water

Edited by Yvonne Blomer
Categories: Anthology, Poetry

Sweet Water: Poems for the Watersheds gathers the voices of poets from across Canada, the US and the UK who write of water. Bottled, clouded, held in rain, in river, estuary and lake, sweet water is the ...


By Kim Goldberg
Categories: Poetry, Environment

Devolution is Kim Goldberg's eighth book and her personal act of extinction rebellion. The poems and fables span the Anthropocene, speaking to ecological unraveling, social confusion, private pilgrimage, ...

Lost Lagoon / Lost in Thought

By Betsy Warland
Categories: Poetry

After moving to Vancouver's West End in 2014, The Human is drawn to a small body of water called Lost Lagoon in Stanley Park. Daytime visits, with a surprising array of wildlife, are quietly revelatory; ...