
Showing 1-10 of 93 titles.
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By Al Rempel
Categories: Poetry

Sprocket is a series of breathless prose-poems capturing poet Al Rempel's childhood adventures spent roaming free in the idyllic setting of Arnold, BC, a small farming community tucked into the corner ...

Becoming the Harvest

By Pauline Le Bel
Categories: Poetry

Becoming the Harvest invites the reader to contemplate the fierce transformative initiations of aging and death. Le Bel takes readers through a poignant poetic journey inspired by her intimate experience ...

This Report is Strictly Confidential

By Elizabeth Ruth
Categories: Poetry, LGBTQ+

Presented in four linked sections, this debut poetry collection from award winning writer Elizabeth Ruth offers readers rare glimpses into private worlds, revealing the life of the author’s aunt who ...

My Eyes Are Fuses

By Norah Bowman
Categories: Poetry

Weaving together a modern retelling of Roman Empress Agrippina the Elder, a künstlerroman-inspired exploration of French sculptor Niki de Saint Phalle, and the contemporary portrait of an unhappily married ...

Death of Persephone

By Yvonne Blomer
Categories: Poetry

In Death of Persephone, the patriarchal myth of the maiden taken, raped, and made the potent and sexualized queen of the underworld is questioned, altered, flipped. Instead, we have Stephanie, a girl ...

The Flesh of Ice

By Garry Gottfriedson
Categories: Poetry, BIPOC

The Secwépemc term le estcwicwéy̓ (the missing) was given by Secwépemc elders who dedicated their knowledge and time to guide the community through the hell they were forced to endure in May 2021. ...

Liturgy of Savage No. 82

By Maya Cousineau Mollen
Translated by Adam Haiun
Categories: Poetry, BIPOC

Originally from the community of Ekuanitshit (Mingan) in the Lower North Shore region of Quebec, Cousineau-Mollen was adopted at a very young age by an urban family as part of what is now known as the ...

Between the Bell Struck and the Silence

By Pamela Porter
Categories: Poetry

How does the rain sleep and where does the silence go? In her latest book of poetry, Between the Bell Struck and the Silence, Governor-General-Award-winning Pamela Porter contemplates the mysteries of ...

Blood of Stone

By Tariq Malik
Categories: Poetry

In Blood of Stone, Tariq Malik revisits Kotli, the 1,000-year-old city of his formative years in the province of Punjab, Pakistan. Marked by the traumas of dislocation and migration, the city and its ...

We Follow the River

By Onjana Yawnghwe
Categories: Poetry

We Follow the River tells the story of one family’s escape from military violence in Myanmar, their exiled existence in Thailand, and their immigration to Canada with only a pile of beat up suitcases ...