BC History

Showing 41-50 of 63 titles.
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Spicing Up the Cariboo

Throughout the world, food provides the essence of connection to traditions, culture, family, and community. It offers comfort in times of trial, sustenance in lean times, and richness in times of celebration. ...

A Trail of Two Telegraphs

By Jane Stevenson
Categories: BC History

A Trail of Two Telegraphs is a fascinating collection of historic tales that portray the strong spirit of BC's rugged North from Prince George to Prince Rupert. Stevenson writes of Perry Collins's dream, ...

Women of Brave Mettle

In this much-anticipated second volume in the Extraordinary Women Anthology series, Diana French follows up on Gumption and Grit with more stories of the women who have contributed, or who are still contributing, ...

Tse-loh-ne (The People at the End of the Rocks)

By Keith Billington
Categories: BC History

The Tse-loh-ne from the Sekani First Nation were known as "The People at the End of the Rocks." This small band of people lived and thrived in one of BC's most challenging and remote areas, 1600 kilometres ...

All Roads Lead to Wells

By Susan Safyan
Categories: BC History

In the late 1960s and '70s a small group of idealistic young women and men, self-described as "volunteer peasants," moved to the tiny town of Wells in British Columbia's Central Interior. These hippies, ...

Passing Through Missing Pages

Annie Garland Foster was born in Fredericton, NB, in 1875. She was an educator, nurse, politician, social reformer, journalist and biographer of Pauline Johnson. But she was also a bit of a mystery.

In ...

Lillian Alling

In 1926, Lillian Alling, a European immigrant, set out on a journey home from New York. She had little money and no transportation, but plenty of determination. In the three years that followed, Alling ...

The Good Hope Cannery

By W. B. MacDonald
Categories: BC History

In 1895 Scottish entrepreneur, engineer, and outdoor adventurer Henry Ogle Bell-Irving built the Good Hope Cannery in Rivers Inlet, BC. There was a fortune to be made and Bell-Irving was determined to ...

Old Lives

By John Schreiber
Categories: BC History

Set in the wild country north of Lillooet and west of the great Fraser River, Old Lives: In the Chilcotin Backcountry paints the rugged landscape and equally rugged lives of the Chilcotin’s enigmatic ...

Railroader's Wife

By Jane Stevenson
Categories: BC History

The story of the railway has never been told in a more charming voice as in these letters by Bernice Medbury Martin who married railroader Leslie Martin in 1912 and arrived in Prince Rupert at the height ...