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Instructions for a Flood

Instructions for a Flood is a non-fiction account, in the form of personal essays and vignettes, of a life in the central interior and coastal regions of British Columbia. Inspired by her passion for exploration ...


Edited by Yvonne Blomer & DC Reid
Categories: Poetry, Anthology

Our feet barely touched the earth, and memory
erased at birth, but gradually reassembling
coalesced and formed a whole, as single birds
gathering for migration form a flock.
—P.K. Page, “Presences” ...

The Eventful Life of Philip Hankin

Today’s explorers of Vancouver Island may be familiar with the name “Hankin”—Hankin Island lies off the coast of Ucluelet within the famous Pacific Rim National Park; Mount Hankin looms amidst ...

Gumboot Guys

Edited by Lou Allison
Compiled by Jane Wilde
Categories: BC History, Anthology

Gumboot Girls and Dancing in Gumboots chronicled the fascinating and inspiring stories of the 1970’s migration of women seeking a new way of life on BC’s West Coast, from Prince Rupert and Haida Gwaii ...

Knots and Stitches

By Kristin Miller
Categories: Memoir

In 1979, Kristin Miller and her partner hitched a ride on a fishboat to a remote community across the harbour from Prince Rupert, BC. Entranced with the wild beauty of the rocky inlet, they bartered a ...

Accidental Blooms

By Keiko Honda
Categories: Memoir

Keiko Honda is living a successful, busy life as a scientist of cancer epidemiology at Columbia University in New York City when one morning she abruptly loses all strength in her legs. She phones a friend ...

Rains, At Times Heavy

By Debi Goodwin
Categories: Fiction

Linden Kemp’s grandmother tells her: Old age is a privilege our men never got to know.

Linden’s grandfather drowned trying to save others when Hurricane Hazel lashed an unprepared Toronto. The hippie ...

Absence of Wings

By Arleen Paré
Categories: Poetry

Absence of Wings depicts the extraordinary and tragically foreshortened life of A.—Paré’s niece, Brazilian, adopted, racialized, and living with multiple mental health diagnoses. In her deft and clear ...

Burning Sage

By Meghan Fandrich
Categories: Poetry

On the day that Lytton, BC, burned to the ground, Meghan Fandrich ran from the flames. She saw the village turn into a black pillar of smoke, and went home after a month-long evacuation to its ashes. ...

A Brief and Endless Sea

By Barbara Pelman
Categories: Poetry

Born out of waiting out the lockdown during the early days of the pandemic, Barbara Pelman’s A Brief and Endless Sea explores a life in retrospect, beginning with a high school typing class and ending ...