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This Isn't the Apocalypse We Hoped For

By Al Rempel
Categories: Poetry

How do we navigate a world of fast-food joints, big-box stores and traffic jams, where people grandstand in the deli and homeless men announce the end of the world through "slats in the sky"? Where the ...

Wax Boats

By Sarah Roberts
Categories: Fiction

In Sarah Robert's debut collection Wax Boats, a rural island community comes to life in action-packed, evocative tales. Cougar ladies fight the BC wilderness and the inevitable extinction of their peaceful ...

The Trials of Albert Stroebel

By Chad Reimer
Categories: BC History

On a dreary morning in April, 1893, John Marshall, a Portuguese immigrant and successful farmer on Sumas Prairie in British Columbia, was found lying sprawled across the veranda of his farmhouse, his ...

Hand on My Heart

By Maureen Mayhew
Categories: Memoir

When Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) offered to send Maureen Mayhew to Taliban-occupied Afghanistan, she refused. Fearing she would be forced to give up her independence to preserve her safety, it was ...


By Natalie Lang
Categories: Memoir, Environment

In Remnants: Reveries of a Mountain Dweller, writer and educator Natalie Virginia Lang offers a vision of Sumas Mountain throughout the seasons to expose the impact of toxic progress on Place. Through ...

Printer's Devils

By Ron Verzuh
Categories: BC History

The grisly murder of a nurse, a crippling 1917 strike, death on the wartime battlefield, the 1918–19 flu pandemic, life on the home front—these are just some of the historic events covered in the ...


By Stephen Kakfwi
Categories: Memoir, BIPOC

Stephen Kakfwi was born in a bush camp on the edge of the Arctic Circle in 1950. In a family torn apart by tuberculosis, alcohol and the traumas endured by generations in residential school, he emerged ...

Tilling the Darkness

By Susan Braley
Categories: Poetry

In Susan Braley’s debut poetry collection, Tilling the Darkness, a young woman born into a family of eleven navigates the inequities of gender roles on the farm and in the church. In this dramatic rural ...

The Broken Heart of Winter

By Judy LeBlanc
Categories: Fiction

Lise, Appoline and Anne are related, though they live on opposite coasts at different moments of time, with the vast geography of Canada and decades of change in between. The three women are linked by ...

knee deep in high water

Following a devastating leg injury that would leave her with an acutely crooked knee, Bronwyn Preece embarks on an ambitious and immersive journey into a remote area of Northern BC. Written on the trail, ...