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Bonnie Reilly Schmidt

Bonnie Reilly Schmidt worked as a police officer with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police between 1977 and 1987. She returned to post-secondary education later in life, earning a Ph.D. in Canadian history ...

June Lunny

June Cruickshank Lunny was born in Edmonton. She is a graduate of the University of British Columbia, and an honours graduate from the British Columbia Provincial Normal School. She is married, and is ...

Gary Pearson

Born in Saskatchewan, Gary Pearson has earned a Masters Degree from the University of Saskatchewan and is currently a professor with the Fine Arts Department of Okanagan University College. He is an artist ...

Mary MacDonald

Mary MacDonald is a poet and writer and holds a PhD from the University of British Columbia. She has written poetry for ballet, public art, and libretto. Her fiction has appeared in Room magazine and ...

Timothy Shay

Timothy Shay writes and lives in Vancouver, BC. His work has appeared in many Canadian literary magazines, on CBC Radio and in the Rolling Stone. He has one book, This Cabin as the SS Titanic, and several ...

Kagan Goh

Kagan Goh was born in Singapore in 1969. After years of travelling, he emigrated with his family to Canada in 1986 and now resides in Vancouver. He is a spoken word poet, playwright, actor, mental health ...