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Paul Jones

Paul Jones lives in Vernon, BC, and is active in the arts and sports scene there. He has produced several award-winning paintings as well as writing poetry and short stories. Pembina Country is his first ...

Tor Forsberg

Tor Forsberg is a writer based in Watson Lake, Yukon. She is a columnist for the Yukon News and has also published in Yukon, North of Ordinary magazine. Her prize-winning short stories have appeared in ...

Tina Biello

Tina Biello is Italian by way of Lake Cowichan, BC. She is born to immigrant parents from Southern Italy. She lives on the traditional territory of the Snaw-naw-as people. She is an actor, a poet and ...

Rita Moir

Rita Moir lives in the Slocan Valley of BC where she worked for decades as a freelance journalist for the Globe and Mail, CBC Radio and regional publications. CBC also produced and broadcast several of ...

Cathalynn Labonté-Smith

Cathalynn Cindy Labonté-Smith grew up in Southwestern Alberta and moved to Vancouver, BC, to complete her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing at the University of British Columbia (UBC). After ...

Mary Theresa Kelly

Mary Theresa Kelly grew up in a large Toronto-based family. As a young woman, she journeyed to Alberta and, mesmerized by the Rocky Mountains, made Western Canada home. She completed a master's degree ...

Carolyn Parks Mintz

Carolyn Parks Mintz is an author, freelance journalist and public speaker and was twice nominated as a Woman of Distinction. She was the content specialist of the 1997 video I Will Walk This Road With ...