Porcupines, Politicians and Plato

By Dan Kishkan
Illustrated by Judy Lister

Categories: BC History
Imprint: Caitlin Press
Paperback : 9780920576489, January 1994


These wildly funny articles, observations of life in the tiny village of Nazko in the Cariboo-Chilcotin, were first published in the Quesnel Cariboo Observer. Just about everyone in the Cariboo started out as babies when they were quite young, which gives Kishkan a lot of material right there. The other subjects of these real-life stories range from thieving packrats, to provincial bureaucrats, to American hunters in fluorescent orange, to fishing yarns, with a bit of homespun philosophy thrown in.


Dan Kishkan has been one of those rare writers who has been able to paint for me, in words, what it is that makes being a “rural” Canadian so special. He is Arthur Black, Paul St. Pierre, Leacock, The Far Side and Alfred E. Newman locked up in the barrel shaped body of a man who can’t burp. And he’s all ours.

--The Cariboo Observer